On January 31, we said goodbye to our beloved professor and founding dean of ESAN Graduate School of Business, Alan B. Coleman. His passing leaves a profound void because of his invaluable contributions to the institution, as he was the architect of its foundation and growth.
Dr. Alan B. Coleman was a visionary academic and leader whose life's work left a lasting impact on the field of business education. Born on January 11, 1929, in San Francisco, California, he earned a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of San Francisco. Later, he obtained his MBA in 1956 and his doctorate in 1960, both from Stanford University.
Throughout his academic career, he served as a researcher at the Institute for the Study of Business Management Methods in Switzerland and was a faculty member at Harvard University and Stanford University. At Stanford, he led a U.S. international aid project that led to the establishment of the Graduate School of Business Administration (ESAN) in Lima in 1963, recognized as the first graduate-only business school in Hispanic America. This achievement was recognized by the Peruvian government, which awarded him the Order of the Magisterial Palms for his contribution to the advancement of education in the country.
After his tenure at ESAN, Dr. Coleman went on to serve as dean of the Cox School of Business at Southern Methodist University (SMU) in Dallas, Texas. Under his leadership, the school added five endowed chairs and raised USD 12 million in endowment funds.
In the corporate world, among other roles, he served as president of Yosemite Park and Curry Company and Sun Valley Company.
Beyond his contributions to education and the business sector, Dr. Coleman and his wife, Janet, were recognized for their support of the Meadows Museum in Dallas, where they donated a significant collection of 20th-century Spanish paintings.
Dr. Alan B. Coleman will be remembered as an exceptional academic, a visionary leader, and a devoted advocate for education. His legacy at ESAN and other institutions where he left his mark will continue to inspire future generations.
Rest in peace, Dr. Coleman. Thank you for everything!
Decano de la Facultad de Ingeniería. Director de las Maestrías en Dirección de Tecnologías de Información, Project Management y Data Analytics & Artificial Intelligence. Coordinador Académico del PADE Internacional en Transformación Digital.
PhD. Máster Universitario en Gestión de TIC y Máster en Gestión de Tecnologías de Información de La Salle - Universitat Ramón Llull, Barcelona España. Programa Avanzado en Finanzas de ESAN. Ingeniero de Sistemas de la Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería (UNI).
Consultor internacional de empresas y organismos internacionales como BID, ONU, CAF, OIT, Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional (AECI) y OVTA-APEC.
Ha asesorado a empresas e instituciones como Grupo Romero, Grupo Wong, IBM, Grupo San Fernando, Nabisco, Interbank, Backus, BHP BillitonTintaya, BCR, Cancillería, Petroperú, Telefónica, Coca Cola, SMP, Coldex, entre otras. Además, ha sido director del MBA de ESAN.
El 31 de enero último, partió a la eternidad nuestro entrañable profesor y primer decano de ESAN Graduate School of Business, Alan B. Coleman. Su partida deja un profundo vacío por su contribución con la institución, al ser el artífice de su creación y desarrollo.
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Durante la pandemia, los programas de posgrado experimentaron grandes cambios en el contenido de sus cursos y las modalidades de enseñanza. Sin embargo, todavía quedan muchos desafíos pendientes por superar.